Methods and skills of water soluble fertilizer

Nowadays, as a new type of fertilizer, water-soluble fertilizer, compared with traditional fertilizer, not only has a variety of formulas, but also has a very flexible application method. It can irrigate the soil, make the plant roots fully contact with the fertilizer, and enjoy breathing all kinds of nutrients; The fertilizer can be sprayed on the leaf surface and enter into the plant through the leaf stomata to improve the fertilizer absorption and utilization rate; It can also use drip irrigation and soilless cultivation to save irrigation water and improve labor production efficiency. In the process of fertilization, in order to achieve the best effect, we should combine the characteristics of water-soluble fertilizer and master certain fertilization skills.
Water soluble fertilizer granules
Water soluble fertilizer granules
1. Avoid direct application, and adopt double dilution method. Because the water-soluble fertilizer is different from the general compound fertilizer, the farmers can not apply fertilizer according to the conventional method, resulting in uneven fertilization, burning seedlings and damaging roots, weak seedlings and other phenomena. The second dilution can ensure the uniform flushing of fertilizer and improve the fertilizer utilization rate.
2. Strictly control the amount of fertilizer. The nutrient content of water-soluble fertilizer is higher than that of general compound fertilizer, and its dosage is relatively less. Because of its strong quick effect, it is difficult to survive in the soil for a long time, so we should strictly control the amount of fertilizer, avoid fertilizer loss, that is, reduce the economic benefits of fertilization, and can not achieve the purpose of high yield, high quality and high efficiency.
3. Try to use alone or mixed with non alkaline pesticides. For example, many farmers use the method of spraying water-soluble fertilizer to alleviate vegetable deficiency or poor root growth. This reminds farmers that water-soluble fertilizer should be used alone or mixed with non alkaline pesticides as far as possible, so as to avoid metal ions reacting to produce precipitation, causing fertilizer damage or drug damage to leaves.
Source:如意了教育   Editor:admin
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